When we receive Jesus Christ in our lives and become christians, we are enrolled into the Lord’s army- so we are sodiers of the Lord(Christ) ready to fight the Lord’s battle. At baptism , we are enrolled into the church to wage the good warlfare against the world. Satan and the flesh (the enemies of christians) and haven done all, to stand raising the Lord’s banner in victory. In life we must be conscious of this raging battle between light and darkness and thereis no neutral ground . It is either you are for the light or you are for the darkness, and not being aware of this battle is a sign of defeat already.

Jesus said in John 17:14 “I have given them Your Wordand the world hated them because thet are not of the world. Just as I am not of the world, so we should not love the world or anything in the world which is the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, fro the love of the world robs us the love of the Father.

The Scrupitre teaches us that in this contention(war), that the weapon of our warfare is not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strong holds. In eph. 6:12, it says “ For we do not westle against the flesh and blood but against prinicipalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spriritual host of wickedness in heavenly places”.

Therefore, inorder to enter our divine shift or supernatural visitation, we need to engage in the warfare to dislodge the powers that stood our way hindering us from possessing our possession , entering our ful potential in the ministry, life and destiny.
So to engage in this battle and prevail, like the Roman Soldier, we need to put the whole armour of God i.e  equppied with Godly armour which is consist of :

  • Helment of Salvation
  • Breast Plate of Righteousness
  • Shield of Faith
  • Truith for griding our waist
  • Shield of faith to qeunch the fiery darts of the enemy
  • Sword of of the Spirit which is the Word of God
  • Praying all Manners of prayersin the Spirit
  • Boldness, Holiness, Sanctification and Love

May the Lord enable us to be victorious in all our battles and stand for Him till end of our life

The Vicar-


All Saints Anglican Church, Abakaliki Road, Enugu. P.O.Box 232, Enugu

All Saints Church, G.R.A. Enugu

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