The Sociable and approachable nature of Jesus Christ is one of the ministry that resonates with many people. It was often found engaging with a wide variety of individuals – whether they were poor, marginalised, sinners or those of higher social status. Jesus broke social norms by reaching out to those who were typically excluded, showing compassion and meeting them when they were.

For instance he conversed with women, children, tax collectors and gentiles – groups that were often marginalised or looked down upon in society at the time. He related with them offering healing, comfort, and teachings that were easy to understand.

His approachability is shown in moments like when He welcomed children to come to Him despite his disciples trying to send them away. He told them “let the children come to me” emphasising that everyone regardless of age or status could come to him for love and guidance.

In this way, Jesus” sociable nature can be seen as an invitation for all people to engage with him, learn from him and experience the love of God.

As we are on the Threshold of Revival, we need to develop such qualities like compassion, humility, love, kindness, empathy, etc, so we can foster positive sociable relationships that will allow us be approachable, just as Jesus Christ was in his interactions with others and thus birthed revival among them.

The Vicar-

All Saints Anglican Church, Abakaliki Road, Enugu. P.O.Box 232, Enugu

All Saints Church, G.R.A. Enugu

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