The Christian race is the life of faith handed over to us by our fathers (baton); and for continuity of the faith conscious efforts must be made to hand over the same to the next generation,  if we must avert a repeat of what happened in the book of judges.

The centre point of the Christian faith is the love of God 1 John 4v19. We love Him because He first loved us. The faith revolves around God’s marvellous gift to mankind JESUS – Jn. 3v16.

In the Old Testament, God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments to keep as a way of maintain relationship with Him, while in the new covenant in the blood, the Spirit writes the law in our hearts and helps us to keep them. In the new testament Jesus summarized the law into two – Love for God and Love for man, then the way to belong to the faith is to receive Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and Saviour. Furthermore to express our love for God and love for mankind is to ensure the continuity of the faith by passing it unto the next generation by:

Living our Christian lives before others – letting  our light shine before men to see our good works and glorify our father in heaven. Matt 5v16.

  1. 2.To be committed to His service with our heart, soul and strength, empty all our endowments and be involved in in the fellowship of the Church. Deut. 6v5.
  2. 3.Ensure to win our children to the faith of Christ. Teach them to pray, read the bible, join fellowship and engage in witnessing for Christ. Teaching them Christian principles and values, helping them to maintain standards and set Christian boundaries.. Deut 6 v 7.

     4. Deliberately mentor them, monitor and evaluate their progress, ensure they are consistent and growing in the faith life

The Vicar-

All Saints Anglican Church, Abakaliki Road, Enugu. P.O.Box 232, Enugu

All Saints Church, G.R.A. Enugu

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