Notice for the Week
1. Church Membership: The Church wishes to take this opportunity to remind worshippers that membership of the church is recognize y the evidence of a person’s name found in either the Tithe or Freewill Offering Registers, and the person regularly contributing towards the mission work of the church through any of the above media
2. Education Trust Fund: a. Education Trust Fund receipt is now ready. Adult N1000. Students- N2000. Help sustain our mission schools. B. Support Paul University, Awka prayerfully and financially.
3. Hour of Hope for the Elderly holds every Wednesday by 10am at the Conference Room.
4. Confirmation Class is ongoing: Class holds every Thursday by 4:00PM
5. If you have not submitted or heard your name on the weekly family prayer list, please kindly indicate through the Guild of Stewards or the Priests.
6. For all Church services resources- Sermons, Pictures, Audio and more, simply subscribe to @ascenugu channels on Telegram or scan the Barcode.
7. For all church service resources – Sermons, pictures, audio and more, subscribe to ascenugu channel on Telegram
8. WOMEN: For enrolment into Women’s Guild (call Mummy Chinwe Ezeji on +2348134105120 or Mrs Ogbonna on +2347030649627). • For enrolment into Girls’ Guild (call Bar. Grace Orji on 08106721361 or Mrs Agba Chidinma on 07032364670.
9. Vacancy! Vacancy!! Vacancy !!!: The church is in need of security personnel, interested persons should apply through the church office.
10. Banns of Marriage: